Walking the Path to Celebrate the Self: A Ritual of Air and Water Magick Celebrating Goddess Danu
All women are invited to join us as Priestess-Initiate StephCrow leads us in this holy rite.
Registration begins on March 27th.
Our Women's Lunar Rites are the touchstone rituals for our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft & Magick. As such, these ceremonies are ones we often revisit annually as a community in order to remember who we are. Because we are living in a kyriarchal, patriarchal world, we sometimes become lost, stepping away from ourselves and that which is most meaningful to us…even, at times, forgetting who we truly are and where we want to take our lives.
These rituals mark not only the passage of the lunar tides, they also serve as holy reminders, as sacred guideposts, helping us to discover ways in which we can recenter ourselves on our magickal pathway and in our life's missions.
An income-based sliding scale Tribute/Exchange of $40-$21 is due before each ritual gathering; our Student and Elders Tribute/Exchange is $20. Please read about our financial hardship and energy exchange here. No one is ever judged or turned away due to financial hardship. All of our rites are planned specifically for those who RSVP, and there are no refunds, credits, or exchanges once your registration has been received. This policy represents the sacred respect and value we hold for the work of our Priestesses. Unless otherwise noted, doors open at 7 p.m. with the circle cast promptly by 7:30 p.m.
Although most of these circles are open to all women, we are not a drop-in community and you need to RSVP by registering for each ritual you plan to attend. IMPORTANT: Some of our Women’s Lunar Rites have prerequisites for Celebrants. Before registering, please be mindful and read the full description to learn if a ritual is open to all or if you need to have previously circled with us.
Our Women’s Lunar Rites are for all women who identify and live as women in the world, trans and cis. You must be 18+ to join us unless attending with a parent or legal guardian. Some rituals are may be appropriate for children; please write to us first if you would like to bring your Little Ones. All attendees must familiarize themselves with our Community Code of Ethical Conduct.
“Sisterhood of the Moon has been the most empowering space I’ve ever been a part of. A true
sisterhood of love and compassion. This is a place where my heart and soul feel at peace. I’ve
found everything I was looking for in a group of women. I am blessed every time I step into the
Sanctuary. Everyone should experience a group like this.”
Matron: Brigid
The founding Circle of our community, our Women’s Lunar Rites are inclusive of all women of integrity, no matter experience level with group ceremony or magick. Join us in this supportive and sacred space—speak your truth, witness and be witnessed, release what no longer serves you, manifest your dreams. Step into your sovereignty and own your personal power-within as we honor one another, the Moon in all Her phases, and Goddesses from the myriad cultures represented by our Sisterhood and beyond. This container is held by Lady Jesamyn Angelica.
IMPORTANT: Some of our Women’s Lunar Rites have prerequisites for Celebrants. Before registering, please be mindful and read the full description to learn if a ritual is open to all or if you need to have previously circled with us.
All women are invited to join us as Priestess-Initiate StephCrow leads us in this holy rite.
Registration begins on March 27th.
All women are invited to join us as Priestess-Initiate BearClawLionHeart leads us in this holy rite.
Registration begins on April 29th.
Join our Priestess-Initiates in our Zoom Temple for a ritual open to all women.
Registration begins on May 21st.
All women are welcome to join us in our Court of Queens!
Registration for this ritual will begin on July 18th.
Beloved Initiates, please join us in Temple for coven ritual and Hekatean magick in honor of the Queen of the Crossroads.
This ritual is only open to women who have walked through the Sisterhood of the Moon Witch Initiation Portal. Registration begins on September 19th. Please do not register for this ceremony if you are not an Initiated Sisterhood of the Moon Witch.
This ritual is open to all women. Registration will begin on November 6th.
All Sisterhood of the Moon Initiates are invited to join us for coven magick & and ritual. This ritual is open all who have walked through our Tradition's Initiatory Portal. Please do not register for this ceremony if you are not an Initiated Sisterhood of the Moon Witch.
Registration will open on February 21st.
And a celebration of our 15th Birthday!
Registration for this ritual is now closed. We thank you for your interest and hope to see you soon!
This ritual is open to all women. Registration is open to you now, Dear Sisters
All Sisterhood of the Moon Initiates are invited to join Lady Jesamyn for Hekatean Spellcraft and coven ritual. This ritual is open all who have walked through our Tradition's Initiatory Portal.
Registration opens on September 27th.
This ritual is open to all women who have circled with us in our Women’s Lunar Rites container.
You can learn more here.
Registration for this Holy Rite is now closed. We look forward to connecting with you at future gatherings!
Registration for this rite is now closed. Thank you for your interest! We look forward to circling with you soon.
All Sisterhood of the Moon Initiates are invited to join Lady Jesamyn at the Altar of Pythia for oracular ritual and magick on the evening of Friday, April 12th. This ritual is open all who have walked through our Tradition's Initiatory Portal. Registration is open now.
Sisters, please save this evening to join Lady Jesamyn as we honor Hekate and our Beloved Dead in this online Women's Lunar Rite in our Zoom Temple. This ritual is open to all women.
Registration for this rite is now closed; please join us in our Lunar Astral Temple throughout this month for a distance version of this ritual. You can discover more here.
Beloved Initiates, please join us in Temple in honor of Hekate, Queen of the Crossroads.
This ritual is only open to women who have walked through the Sisterhood of the Moon Witch Initiation Portal. Registration begins on September 22nd. Please do not register for this ceremony if you are not an Initiated Sisterhood of the Moon Witch.
Join Lady Jesamyn, Lady Sabrina Moon, and your MerSisters for our annual ritual at the seashore.
Please note different time and locale: To work with the energies of sunset, we will gather at a sacred site in Pescadero, CA and begin ritual at 4:30 p.m.
Registration is open now.
Beloved Sisters, please join us in Temple in witness, love, and support of the Spiral 1 Priestess Initiations of BearClawLionHeart and StephCrow.
This ritual is open to all women who have previously circled in our Women’s Lunar Rites container. Registration is open now. Please do not register for this ceremony if you have not attended a Women’s Lunar Rites circle before.
Registration for this rite is now closed. Please hold space for our Initiation Candidates at your altar, Dear Ones!
Sisters, join Lady Jesamyn for an online Women's Lunar Rite in our Zoom Temple. This ritual is open to all women and registration is open to you now.
Details can be found here.
Beloved Initiates, please join us in Temple for coven ritual and magick.
This ritual is only open to women who have walked through the Sisterhood of the Moon Witch Initiation Portal. Please do not register for this ceremony if you are not an Initiated Sisterhood of the Moon Witch.
Registration is open to you now, Witch-Sisters!!!
Join us in honoring Minoan Goddess Ariadne as we pilgrimage to Her local labyrinth for ritual and connection.
Please note: This is a daytime ritual; gathering time is 10 a.m. at a sacred site in Oakland. This ritual is open to all women and registration is now open.
Sisters, please join Lady Jesamyn for an online Women's Lunar Rite in celebration of Pomona in our Zoom Temple. This ritual is open to all women and registration is open to you now.
More details can be found here.
Beloved Sisters, please join us in Temple in honor of our Matron Goddess Brigid and make your Dedications for the new Sisterhood of the Moon Year! We will also celebrate our Tradition’s 13th birthday this night.
Details and registration are here.
This ritual is open to all women who have previously circled in our Women’s Lunar Rites container. Please do not register for this ceremony if you have not attended a Women’s Lunar Rites circle before.
You are invited to receive a gift of peace! Please join Lady Jesamyn live online on Tuesday, December 20th at 3:30 p.m. PST for the Feminine Frequency Festival, a global gathering of women leaders. This free event is open to all!
During this often busy, hectic, stressful time of year, we can choose to cultivate our own peace-within. No matter what is happening in the greater world or within our own realms, peace is an option. We will be calling upon the support of the Great Lady of Peace, the Silver Shining One, ancient Goddess Pax.
If you would like to perform this Blessing live, bring your favorite essential oil blend, some olive oil, or some water...or simply show up without anything but your own Sweet Self.
Here's the link to attend for free. Click it on Tuesday, December 20th at 3:30 p.m. PST or check it out later.
Additionally, the replay will be available for you as a resource throughout the "holidaze" season, or whenever you need a lift.
All Sisterhood of the Moon Initiates are invited to join us under the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aries as we commune with the Blessed Dark and decorate, bless, and empower candles to support us through Winter nights.
Registration is now open to all Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition Initiates.
Beloved Sisters,
All women are invited to join us in our Zoom Temple for an online ritual on the evening of Tuesday, November 22nd.
Under the Dark Moon in Scorpio and the newly transited Sun in Sagittarius, this gentle rite honoring Goddess Pax will support us in creating a tranquil refuge within ourselves, a sanctuary of sacred respite from the “holidaze” season of the overculture.
More information and registration is here.
Beloved Sisters, you are invited to a Full Moon in Taurus rite in honor of Goddess Lakshmi. Claim your prosperity and speak your dreams for this new cycle!
More information and registration can be found here.
All women are invited to join us in our Zoom Temple under the Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus as we honor Hekate and Those Who Came Before.
Details and registration can be found here.
Registration is now closed for this rite; thank you, Sisters!
All Sisterhood of the Moon Initiates are invited to join us under the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Pisces as we honor Hekate and Those Who Came Before.
More information and registration are here. Please, Dear Ones, only register if you have walked through your Witch Initiation our Tradition.
Join our Sisterhood as we offer A Holy Rite of Self-Devotion at this beloved biennial women’s festival. More information and registration is available here.
Sisters, join us for a pilgrimage to Ariadne’s labyrinth! This rite is open to all women and more details can be found here.
Please note: This is a daytime ritual; gathering time is 10 a.m. at a sacred site in Oakland.
Priestess Sabrina Moon will be Ordained as a High Priestess It is time; it is time; IT IS TIME!!!! This in-person ritual is open to all women who have circled with us before. Details can be found here.
Donations of any size are lovingly requested and gratefully accepted to help support the costs of opening the Temple for this celebration. You can make your donation here. Thank you for your support, Beloveds!
All Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition Initiates are invited to join us under the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra for this ritual in honor of Egyptian Goddess Ma’at. Details and registration can be found here.
Beloveds, if you are interested in Initiating into our Tradition, you are invited to begin your studies with us in The Women’s Mystery School of Magick & Empowerment.
Join us in our founding ritual circle in our Zoom Temple in celebration of the Imbolc High Holyday and in honor of our Women’s Lunar Rites Matron, Goddess Brigid. This is the beginning of our 13th year together!
Please note: This ritual is only open to those who have circled previously in our Women’s Lunar Rites container.
Registration and more information can be found here.
Registration for this rite is now closed. Thank you for your interest, Dear Ones!
Join us under the Dark-to-New Moon in Sagittarius at the Table of Illumination for our 12th Annual Candle Blessing Rite honoring Slavic Goddess Baba Yaga. Please note: This ritual is only open to those who have circled previously in our Women’s Lunar Rites container. Space is limited.
Registration for this rite is now closed; thank you for your interest, Dear Ones! We will see you at Imbolc!
All women are invited to join us under the Waxing Moon in Taurus for our 12th Annual Money-Pouring, Prosperity, and Gratitude Rite held in honor of Hindu Goddess Lakshmi.
Registration for this rite is now closed. Thank you for your interest, Dear Ones!