7:00 PM19:00

INITIATES ONLY: The Rite of Hekate

Beloved Initiates, please join us in Temple for coven ritual and Hekatean magick in honor of the Queen of the Crossroads.

This ritual is only open to women who have walked through the Sisterhood of the Moon Witch Initiation Portal. Registration begins on September 19th. Please do not register for this ceremony if you are not an Initiated Sisterhood of the Moon Witch.

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7:15 PM19:15

Online: 14th Annual Rite of our Beloved Dead honoring Hekate

Sisters, please save this evening to join Lady Jesamyn as we honor Hekate and our Beloved Dead in this online Women's Lunar Rite in our Zoom Temple. This ritual is open to all women.

Registration for this rite is now closed; please join us in our Lunar Astral Temple throughout this month for a distance version of this ritual. You can discover more here.

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7:00 PM19:00


Beloved Initiates, please join us in Temple in honor of Hekate, Queen of the Crossroads.

This ritual is only open to women who have walked through the Sisterhood of the Moon Witch Initiation Portal. Registration begins on September 22nd. Please do not register for this ceremony if you are not an Initiated Sisterhood of the Moon Witch.

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7:00 PM19:00

Threshold Activation & Attunement Rite of Initiation for BearClawLionHeart and StephCrow

Beloved Sisters, please join us in Temple in witness, love, and support of the Spiral 1 Priestess Initiations of BearClawLionHeart and StephCrow.

This ritual is open to all women who have previously circled in our Women’s Lunar Rites container. Registration is open now. Please do not register for this ceremony if you have not attended a Women’s Lunar Rites circle before.

Registration for this rite is now closed. Please hold space for our Initiation Candidates at your altar, Dear Ones!

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7:00 PM19:00

Initiates Only: Coven Ritual & Magick with Goddess Ariadne

Beloved Initiates, please join us in Temple for coven ritual and magick.

This ritual is only open to women who have walked through the Sisterhood of the Moon Witch Initiation Portal. Please do not register for this ceremony if you are not an Initiated Sisterhood of the Moon Witch.

Registration is open to you now, Witch-Sisters!!!

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7:00 PM19:00

14th Annual Imbolc High Holyday Rite of Dedication & Initiation

Beloved Sisters, please join us in Temple in honor of our Matron Goddess Brigid and make your Dedications for the new Sisterhood of the Moon Year! We will also celebrate our Tradition’s 13th birthday this night.

Details and registration are here.

This ritual is open to all women who have previously circled in our Women’s Lunar Rites container. Please do not register for this ceremony if you have not attended a Women’s Lunar Rites circle before.

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3:30 PM15:30


You are invited to receive a gift of peace! Please join Lady Jesamyn live online on Tuesday, December 20th at 3:30 p.m. PST for the Feminine Frequency Festival, a global gathering of women leaders. This free event is open to all!

During this often busy, hectic, stressful time of year, we can choose to cultivate our own peace-within. No matter what is happening in the greater world or within our own realms, peace is an option. We will be calling upon the support of the Great Lady of Peace, the Silver Shining One, ancient Goddess Pax.

If you would like to perform this Blessing live, bring your favorite essential oil blend, some olive oil, or some water...or simply show up without anything but your own Sweet Self. 

Here's the link to attend for freeClick it on Tuesday, December 20th at 3:30 p.m. PST or check it out later. 

Additionally, the replay will be available for you as a resource throughout the "holidaze" season, or whenever you need a lift. 

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7:15 PM19:15


Beloved Sisters,

All women are invited to join us in our Zoom Temple for an online ritual on the evening of Tuesday, November 22nd.

Under the Dark Moon in Scorpio and the newly transited Sun in Sagittarius, this gentle rite honoring Goddess Pax will support us in creating a tranquil refuge within ourselves, a sanctuary of sacred respite from the “holidaze” season of the overculture.

More information and registration is here.

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7:00 PM19:00


Priestess Sabrina Moon will be Ordained as a High Priestess  It is time; it is time; IT IS TIME!!!! This in-person ritual is open to all women who have circled with us before. Details can be found here.

Donations of any size are lovingly requested and gratefully accepted to help support the costs of opening the Temple for this celebration. You can make your donation here. Thank you for your support, Beloveds!

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7:00 PM19:00

INITIATES ONLY: The Rite of Ma'at

All Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition Initiates are invited to join us under the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Libra for this ritual in honor of Egyptian Goddess Ma’at. Details and registration can be found here.

Beloveds, if you are interested in Initiating into our Tradition, you are invited to begin your studies with us in The Women’s Mystery School of Magick & Empowerment.

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7:15 PM19:15

(ONLINE) Our 13th Annual Imbolc High Holyday Rite of Dedication & Initiation Honoring Brigid

Join us in our founding ritual circle in our Zoom Temple in celebration of the Imbolc High Holyday and in honor of our Women’s Lunar Rites Matron, Goddess Brigid. This is the beginning of our 13th year together!

Please note: This ritual is only open to those who have circled previously in our Women’s Lunar Rites container.

Registration and more information can be found here.

Registration for this rite is now closed. Thank you for your interest, Dear Ones!

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7:00 PM19:00

12th Annual Candle-Blessing Rite Honoring Baba Yaga

Join us under the Dark-to-New Moon in Sagittarius at the Table of Illumination for our 12th Annual Candle Blessing Rite honoring Slavic Goddess Baba Yaga. Please note: This ritual is only open to those who have circled previously in our Women’s Lunar Rites container. Space is limited.

Registration for this rite is now closed; thank you for your interest, Dear Ones! We will see you at Imbolc!

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