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Brigid's Rite of Dedication & Initiation


"As the season of Believing seems to wind down for the rest of the world, please let me gently make something very clear: Many dreams still wait in the wings. Many aspirations are just within our grasp...Many hungers need nourishment. Many yearnings must be acknowledged... Many authentic sparks must be fanned before Passion performs her perfect work in you. Throw another log on the fire..."

~Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance

Imbolctide Blessings, Cherished Alchemists,

We have crossed the threshold of Winter and entered into the time of awakening. The Spring Maiden is preparing to arise, as are we.

From my heart, I invite you to join me within our Tradition’s Astral Temple as we honor ourselves for who we are in this, the holy moment of now. During this sacred Season of Imbolctide, it is time to freshen and purify ourselves of our Winter slumber, and to consider what we will nourish and nurture throughout the coming season of rebirth and renewal.

What will you cleanse and clear in preparation for this new cycle of growth? What are your hopes, dreams, goals, and desires for this new turn of the Wheel?

Please join me Between the Worlds as we gather around the etheric altar of Lady Brigid, the Exalted One, for this year’s distance version of our community’s annual Dedication Rite as we make pledges to ourselves and to Goddess for the year ahead.

Delight in this sacred space with us, Beloveds—at your own altar and at a time that is best for your life—and work this holy magick with your magickal family from around the world.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script that can be used in your solitary, coven, or family practice.

This Imbolctide Distance Ritual will be available to you through the Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 13th.

Since 2010, our Lunar Rites Alchemical Network has provided Distance Rituals for personal transformation and growth alongside the cycling of the Moon and Sun.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!