to Mar 13

Brigid's Rite of Dedication & Initiation

  • Google Calendar ICS


"As the season of Believing seems to wind down for the rest of the world, please let me gently make something very clear: Many dreams still wait in the wings. Many aspirations are just within our grasp...Many hungers need nourishment. Many yearnings must be acknowledged... Many authentic sparks must be fanned before Passion performs her perfect work in you. Throw another log on the fire..."

~Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance

Imbolctide Blessings, Cherished Alchemists,

We have crossed the threshold of Winter and entered into the time of awakening. The Spring Maiden is preparing to arise, as are we.

From my heart, I invite you to join me within our Tradition’s Astral Temple as we honor ourselves for who we are in this, the holy moment of now. During this sacred Season of Imbolctide, it is time to freshen and purify ourselves of our Winter slumber, and to consider what we will nourish and nurture throughout the coming season of rebirth and renewal.

What will you cleanse and clear in preparation for this new cycle of growth? What are your hopes, dreams, goals, and desires for this new turn of the Wheel?

Please join me Between the Worlds as we gather around the etheric altar of Lady Brigid, the Exalted One, for this year’s distance version of our community’s annual Dedication Rite as we make pledges to ourselves and to Goddess for the year ahead.

Delight in this sacred space with us, Beloveds—at your own altar and at a time that is best for your life—and work this holy magick with your magickal family from around the world.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script that can be used in your solitary, coven, or family practice.

This Imbolctide Distance Ritual will be available to you through the Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 13th.

Since 2010, our Lunar Rites Alchemical Network has provided Distance Rituals for personal transformation and growth alongside the cycling of the Moon and Sun.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Jan 28

A Vigil for the Shadow Self

  • Google Calendar ICS

All parts of ourselves are welcome here;
All parts of ourselves belong.
Come, O Beloved Shadow Self
Please be with us now!

Winter Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

We are held gently now within the Sacred Darkness, an embrace that offers us opportunity to dive deeply into our own Truth, to listen to our inner wisdom, and to call back and integrate all parts of ourselves. 

Dear Ones, I invite you to join me in our Astral Temple throughout this season for a recorded rite, A Vigil for the Shadow Self.

Join our community in sacred circle—a space beyond space and a time beyond time—and combine your love and energy with that of your sacred kindred from around the world. At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—add your magickal intentions to ours in our Astral Temple.

This Distance Ritual was created to hold meditative space for your reflection, restoration, and release, and provides an opportunity for you to refill your well during this holy time of dreaming and incubation.

Cry, rest, relax, heal. Draw, write, sing. Pray, meditate. Listen to the song, sound, sacred words, and silence I share…or not. Dance, stretch, drum or rattle in your own space…or not. 

How you choose to engage with this Vigil is entirely up to you. I am here to hold sacred space for the processes of release, relaxation, integration, and healing which your body, mind, heart, and spirit most need.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple, an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $33-$25 is requested.

Please use the register button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share the recording for your solitary or family practice.

This Wintertide Season Distance Ritual will be available to you until January 28th.

Our Imbolctide ritual, “Brigid’s Rite of Dedication & Initiation,” will be released on January 29th. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about Lady Jesamyn Angelica and Sisterhood of the Moon here.

Thank you so much for your support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Dec 14

Lakshmi’s Rite of Prosperity & Gratitude

Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha
Om and Salutations to She Who Provides Great Abundance

Lunar Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

Samhain has passed and we are moving ever-deeper into the Darkness. As the Holy Dark grows, so does our innate need to go Within, to take stock of our lives, and to begin Dreaming of What Could Be.

It is during this portal each year that our community turns our loving attention to magnifying the energies of Gratitude and Prosperity, to lighting a path between our desires and our reality through programming sacred waters with our intentions for the next Lunar Year.

Dear Ones, I invite you to join me in our Astral Temple throughout this season as we honor Goddess Lakshmi—She Who Makes Things Move—and, through Her wisdom, name our heart’s hopes and claim our inherent prosperity.

Join our community in sacred circle—a space beyond space and a time beyond time—and combine your love and energy with that of your sacred kindred from around the world. At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—add your magickal intentions to ours in our Astral Temple.

This Distance Ritual was created to support you in connecting with the transformative energies of prosperity and gratitude, and to assist you in manifesting that which you most want.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple, an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $33-$25 is requested.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This Gratitude Season Distance Ritual will be available to you until December 14th.

Our Winter rite, “A Vigil for the Shadow Self,” will be released on December 15th. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about Lady Jesamyn Angelica and Sisterhood of the Moon here.

Thank you so much for your support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Nov 7

Hekate’s Rite of the Blessed Dead

I call to you, kind Hekate, watchful daughter
of far-seeing Asteria, torch-bearing goddess,
night-wanderer, pale and fair as the moonflower.
Hekate of the three ways, goddess of the crossroad,
keen-eyed one, you see clearly what others overlook.
Hekate of the three realms, goddess who holds
a stake in all the worlds, all within are yours to stir.
Gentle of touch and firm of hand, Hekate,
leader of the ghostly train, the barking of dogs
marks your passage, the shining of stars lights your path.
Hekate who is the companion of those who walk
the bounds of light and dark, I praise and honor you.

~ Hearthstone


Cherished Alchemists,

Samhain approaches and we are nearing the end of the Harvest Season. Now is the time to connect with our Beloved Dead, our Benevolent Ancestors of blood, of choice, and of land.

The veil Between the Worlds of the living and the dead is reaching the point where it is at the most thin and transparent, and the doorway opens. Now come our Ancestors to visit us, to offer us their cosmic wisdom and assistance for our earthly life. Let us light the way for our Ancestors to join us; let us set out their favorite items, pour a chalice of their favorite libation, offer them their favorite foods. 

Those Who Came Before are our friends and our family—they are the Beloved Dead. Death is a natural part of life. Death is growth and change and transformation; it is one of Goddess’s gifts to us. Let us welcome our Ancestors into our hearts and into our homes; let us thank them for our lives, our families, and our privileges.

Dear Ones, I invite you to join me in the Astral Temple throughout this Samhain Season as we honor our Ancestors of Blood, Choice, and Land. Under the guidance of Hekate—the Most-Lovely Lady of the Underworld—and united together in sacred space, we will contemplate those Ancestors whose energies we carry in this lifetime, and perform a spell that honors them and ourselves.

Join our community in sacred circle—a space beyond space and a time beyond time—and combine your love and energy with that of your sacred kindred from around the world. At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—add your magickal intentions to ours in our Astral Temple.

This Distance Ritual was created to support you in connecting with your Beloved Dead, and in assisting you in acknowledging the unique gifts that you carry in this here and now.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This Samhain Season Distance Ritual is available to you until Astrological Samhain, November 7th.

Our next ritual—Lakshmi’s Rite of Prosperity & Gratitude—will be released on November 8th. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

Tune into the Moon! Since 2010, our Lunar Rites Alchemical Network has been providing Distance Rituals for personal transformation and growth alongside the cycles of the Moon.

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to Sep 30

Brigantia's Rite of the Sovereign Self

  • Google Calendar ICS

Hail, Brigantia! Keeper of the forge,
she who shapes the world itself with fire,
she who ignites the spark of passion in the poets,
she who leads the clans with a warrior's cry,
she who is the bride of the islands,
and who leads the fight of freedom.
Hail, Brigantia! Defender of kin and hearth,
she who inspires the bards to sing,
she who drives the smith to raise his hammer,
she who is a fire sweeping across the land.

~ Patti Wigington


Beloved Alchemists,

When we are sovereign, unchallenged in our power-within and our own agency, we live a life free of restriction, restraint, and/or control by others. And, although we often work in cooperation with people, we are still the prime mover, the director, the governor of our own realms.

Sovereignty is not ownership but is instead the right and responsibility to rule our own precious lives and to do so with great integrity and understanding.

In the name of She Who Gives Victory I invite you to join me throughout the Season of Harvest and Growth for Brigantia’s Rite of Sacred Sovereignty.

Here we shall recognize our own potent authority, honoring our Sweet Selves and one another as Sacred Sovereigns. Under the guidance of The High One—ancient Goddess Brigantia, Lady of the Land and the Starry Skies—and for the highest good of all, may we see, acknowledge, and accept our own sovereignty and power-within!

United on the Astral Plane, we will recognize our talents, our accomplishments, our potential, and all that we aspire to be, in this Holy Moment of Now and in future moments.

Directed by Her wisdom, we will name and crown ourselves as Sacred Sovereigns, laying claim to our Full Selves as the absolute regents of our own precious lives. Here will shall ascend the Sacred Throne of Brigantia  and receive Her loving support and insight.

Here are some inquiries you may wish to consider before engaging with this rite, adapted from Moon 8 of The Women’s Mystery School of Magick & Empowerment:

  •  Who owns your sovereignty?

  • Where are you willingly giving over your agency and it is for the highest good (including your own)?

  • Where are you giving away your power that is not intentional, and not your choice?

  • Are there places where shifts in thinking could help you to reclaim all the parts of yourself? 

From my heart, Dear Ones, know that you are warmly welcome to join me in this practice around the Astral Altar of She Who Heals. Meet me in your own perfect timing as we reach the centerpoint of the Harvest Season and together name and claim the Truth of our talents, our potential, and our power.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This Distance Ritual is available to you until September 30th.

Our Samhain Season ritual—Hekate’s Rite of the Blessed Dead—will be released on October 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Jun 20

Rhiannon's Waxing Season Rite of Creative Inspiration

  • Google Calendar ICS

Here, we germinate wild magic.
Here, we nurture bold truth.
Here, we plant brave wisdom.
Here, tender shoots of possibility
begin to rise.
Here, our deepest prayers
stretch up into the sun
to bloom.

~Molly Remer


Waxing Wheel Blessings, Dear Alchemists,

We made it, Beloveds! The Earth Mother has wakened, and so have we. Our hopes grow alongside the light, and it is time for us to bloom and to blossom.  

During this time of promise and possibility, I invite you to join me within our Lunar Astral Temple. Together, let us open our hearts to inspiration and create a healthy, beautiful garden in which our creativity can germinate, stretch, and flower.

What are you longing to create, to nurture, to manifest? What does your wild, instinctive Self most want to express? It is time for us to give birth to our own unique experience, our own unique magick, our own unique artistry.

Around the astral Altar of Rhiannon, let’s explore our creativity, remove our obstacles to expression, and vision what we are calling forth into this time of rising energies.

In Her guise as Lady of the Otherworld, Rhiannon stands in the “in-between,” in the doorway, in the liminal. Here, She can help to catalyze our desires—our creative spark—from thought into manifestation, from seed into fruit. Together in the Ethers, let’s reignite our creativity, our innate power to create both our dreams and our reality.

At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—work this sacred magick with me and your magickal family the world around.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This Waxing Season Distance Ritual will be available to you until Summer Solstice.

Since 2010, our Lunar Rites Alchemical Network has provided Distance Rituals for personal transformation and growth alongside the cycles of the Moon.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Mar 16

Brigid's Imbolctide Rite of Dedication

  • Google Calendar ICS

Awaken my
fierce devotion.
Guide me into
the heart
of my sacred work.
~Molly Remer


Imbolc Season Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

We have crossed the Winter Solstice threshold into the time of growing Light and are headed towards Spring! As the Earth Maiden awakens, so do we.

From my heart, I invite you to join me within our Lunar Astral Temple as we honor ourselves for who we are in this, The Holy Moment of Now. Here, during this sacred Season of Imbolctide, we arrive at Her altar for a holy time of purification and cleansing, of transformation and dedication.

What will you cleanse and clear in preparation for this new cycle of growth? What are your hopes, dreams, goals, and desires for this new turn of the Wheel?

Please join me around the astral altar of Lady Brigid, the Exalted One, for this year’s distance version of our community’s annual Dedication Rite as we make pledges to ourselves and to Goddess for the year ahead.

Step into sacred space with me, Beloveds—at your own altar and at a time that is best for *your* life—and work this holy magick with me and your magickal family from around the world.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This Imbolctide Distance Ritual will be available to you through the New Moon in Gemini on March 16th.

Tune into the Moon! Since 2010, our Lunar Rites Alchemical Network has been providing Distance Rituals for personal transformation and growth alongside the cycles of the Moon.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

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to Jan 31

Vesta's Rite of the Sacred Flame

Daughter of Saturn, venerable dame,
Who dwell’st amid great fire’s eternal flame,
In thee the gods have fix’d their dwelling place,
Strong stable basis of the mortal race.
~Taylor’s Orphic Hymns: Hymn to Vesta

Winter Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

It is my prayer that you are finding ways to center self-care, stillness, and a willingness to embrace transformation as the fullness of Winter descends. 

Dear Ones, it is my hope that you will join us in our Astral Temple throughout the Winter months as we honor Goddess Vesta—Keeper of the Sacred Flame—and through Her receive the blessings of the Holy Darkness. 

Held lovingly within the shelter of our Lunar Astral Temple, let us experience the healing power of the Dark, the place of dreaming, incubation, and rest. 

Without the Dark there is no Light. In the spirit of recognizing the equal sacredness of both Light and Dark, let us weave a spell, blessing candles with our intentions to carry us throughout the Dark Season of the Wheel, and beyond. 

Join your community in sacred circle—a space beyond space and a time beyond time—and combine your love and energy with that of your sacred kindred from around the world. At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—add your magickal intentions to ours in our Astral Temple.

This Distance Ritual reminds us that one single lit candle can bring with it so much light, so much comfort, so much illumination, and so much hope.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This Winter Distance Ritual will be available to you until January 31st.

Our Imbolc ritual—Brigid’s Rite of Dedication—will be released on January 25th Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about Lady Jesamyn Angelica and Sisterhood of the Moon here.

Tune into the Moon! Since 2010, our Lunar Rites Alchemical Network has been providing Distance Rituals for personal transformation and growth alongside the cycles of the Moon.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Nov 30

Fortuna's Rite of Prosperity

  • Google Calendar ICS

O Beloved Fortuna, You Who Hold the Fortune of Life Itself
I call You into my everyday life
From my heart,
From my heart,
From my heart.

November Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

Samhain has passed and we are moving ever-deeper into the Darkness. As the Holy Dark grows, so does our innate need to go Within, to take stock of our lives, and to begin Dreaming of What Could Be.

It is during this portal each year that our community turns our loving attention to magnifying the energies of Gratitude and Prosperity, to lighting a path between our desires and our reality through programming sacred waters with our intentions for the next Lunar Year.

Dear Ones, I invite you to join me in our Astral Temple throughout this month as we honor Goddess Fortuna—Sweet Giver of Victory—and through Her wisdom, name our heart’s hopes and claim our inherent prosperity.

Join our community in sacred circle—a space beyond space and a time beyond time—and combine your love and energy with that of your sacred kindred from around the world. At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—add your magickal intentions to ours in our Astral Temple.

This Distance Ritual was created to support you in connecting with the transformative energies of prosperity and gratitude, and to assist you in manifesting that which you most want.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, Lady Jesamyn will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This November Distance Ritual will be available to you until November 30th.

Our Winter lunar ritual—Vesta’s Rite of the Sacred Flame—will be released on December 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about Lady Jesamyn Angelica and Sisterhood of the Moon here.

Thank you so much for your support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Oct 31

Hekate's Rite of the Blessed Dead

  • Google Calendar ICS

Beloved Alchemists,

Samhain approaches and we are nearing the end of the Harvest Season. Now is the time to connect with our Beloved Dead, our Benevolent Ancestors of blood, of choice, and of land.

The veil Between the Worlds of the living and the dead is becoming thin and transparent, opening the doorway for our Ancestors to visit us, to offer us their cosmic wisdom and assistance for our earthly life. Let us light the way for our Ancestors to join us; let us set out their favorite items, pour a chalice of their favorite libation, offer them their favorite foods. 

Those Who Came Before are our friends and our family—they are the Beloved Dead. Death is a natural part of life.  Death is growth and change and transformation; it is one of Goddess’s gifts to us. Let us welcome our Ancestors into our hearts and into our homes; let us thank them for our gifts, our lives, and our families.

Dear Ones, I invite you to join me in the Astral Temple this month as we honor our Ancestors of Blood, Choice, and Land. Under the guidance of Hekate—the Most-Lovely Lady of the Underworld—and united together in sacred space, we will contemplate those Ancestors whose energies we carry in this lifetime, and perform a spell that honors them and ourselves.

Join our community in sacred circle—a space beyond space and a time beyond time—and combine your love and energy with that of your sacred kindred from around the world. At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—add your magickal intentions to ours in our Astral Temple.

This Distance Ritual was created to support you in connecting with your Beloved Dead, and in assisting you to acknowledge the gifts that you carry in this here and now.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button on this page. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This October Distance Ritual is available to you until October 31st.

Our November ritual—Fortuna’s Rite of Prosperity—will be released on November 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Tune into the Moon! Since 2010, our Lunar Rites Alchemical Network has been providing monthly Distance Rituals for personal transformation and growth alongside the cycles of the Moon.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Sep 30

Isis-AuSet’s Rite of Sacred Sovereignty

Holy Isis, Holy Osiris;
We give you thanks
that your Love, Beauty and Truth
Are manifest with Power and Peace
throughout all spheres,
within all beings,
and we accept your Blessing now,
in Mind and Heart.
~Lady Olivia Robertson, Founder of the Fellowship of Isis

Beloved Alchemists,

When we are sovereign, unchallenged in our power-within and our own agency, we live a life free of restriction, restraint, and/or control by others. And, although we often work in cooperation with people, we are still the prime mover, the director, the governor of our own realms.

Sovereignty is not ownership but is instead the right and responsibility to rule our own precious lives and to do so with great integrity and understanding.

In the name of The One Who is All, I invite you to join me throughout the month of September for Isis-AuSet’s Rite of Sacred Sovereignty.

Here we shall recognize our own potent authority, honoring our Sweet Selves and one another as Sacred Sovereigns. We gather in homage to. Under the guidance of the Great Lady of Magick—ancient Goddess Isis-AuSet, The Queen of both Heaven and Earth—and for the highest good of all, may we see, acknowledge, and accept our own sovereignty and power-within!

United on the Astral Plane, we will recognize our talents, our accomplishments, our potential, and all that we aspire to be, in this Holy Moment of Now and in future moments.

Directed by Her wisdom, we will name and crown ourselves as Sacred Sovereigns, laying claim to our Full Selves as the absolute regents of our own precious lives. Here will shall ascend the Sacred Throne of Isis-AuSet and receive Her loving support and insight.

Here are some inquiries you may wish to consider before engaging with this rite, adapted from Moon 8 of The Women’s Mystery School of Magick & Empowerment: Who owns your sovereignty?  Where are you willingly giving over your agency and it is for the highest good (including your own)?  Where are you giving away your power that is not intentional, and not your choice?  Are there places where shifts in thinking could help you to reclaim all the parts of yourself? 

From my heart, Dear Ones, know that you are warmly welcome to join me in this practice around the Astral Altar of She Who Knows How to Make Right Use of the Heart. Meet me in your own perfect timing as we reach the centerpoint oft the Harvest Season and together name and claim the Truth of our talents, our potential, and our power.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This September Distance Ritual is available to you until September 30th.

Our October ritual—Hekate’s Rite of the Blessed Dead —will be released on October 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Aug 31

Sekhmet’s Lammas Season Rite of Ka

  • Google Calendar ICS

Mine is a heart of carnelian, crimson as murder on a holy day.
Mine is a heart of corneal, the gnarled roots of a dogwood
and the bursting of flowers.

I am the broken wax seal on my lover's letters.
I am the phoenix, the fiery sun, consuming and resuming myself.
I will what I will.
Mine is a heart of carnelian, blood red as the crest of a phoenix.

~From the Egyptian Book of the Dead, "Hymn of Sekhmet"

Cherished Alchemists,

Lammas Season has arrived and we turn tender attention towards our harvest, both physical and metaphorical. The golden light begins its process of gentle waning as we move towards Fall, and now is a powerful time to consider our relationship with our own ka—our Soul, our Spirit.

In the name of the Lion-Headed Goddess, I invite you to join me throughout the month of August for Sekhmet’s Lammas Season Rite of Ka.

Here we shall celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year and commune with our own Souls, creating a deeper sense of connection, belonging, and Oneness.

I invite you to consider this inquiry in support of this holy work: How healthy is my relationship with my ka—my Spirit, my Soul—in this Holy Moment of Now?

You are so very welcome to join me at the Astral Altar of the Opener of Ways, Dear Ones. Meet me in your own perfect timing as we enter the harvest season and together deepen the sense of flow, ease, and peace of which we are all most-deserving.  

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This August Distance Ritual is available to you until August 31st.

Our September ritual—AuSet’s Rite of Sovereignty—will be released on September 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Jul 31

Wadjet's Rite of Truth

I am a divine conduit for the Great Mystery. 
With Wadjet’s help, light shines upon my situation and my life. 
I easily and effortlessly shed the skin that no longer fits
and in doing so, embrace my True Self.


Cherished Alchemists,

We have arrived into the fullness of Summer, a time when our potential and our power are striving to meet, mix, and become One. Here we are called to both know and speak our Deep Truth, that which makes us *us*.

In the name of The Celestial Serpent, I invite you to gather with me throughout the month of July for Wadjet’s Rite of Truth.

Together around the astral altar of our Lunar Temple, we will meet The Mighty Lady of Flame and discover Her within our own bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits. Through prophesy and dance and held by Her capable and loving guidance, let us usher into manifestation those Truths that must be spoken into the Holy Moment of Now. 

Come forth, Beloveds! Be courageous and come forth, for the time to speak is now.

Here are some inquiries to support you in this holy work: What am I feeling passionate about right now? What Truth inside of me needs to be spoken and heard? What is calling out for the fiery power of awakening? 

Join me and the Snake Goddess of Egypt in your own perfect timing in this vortex of honesty, authenticity, and oracular knowledge. What do you need to know, right now? The answer is waiting for you in the Ethers.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

Please note: I am on Pilgrimage in Glastonbury and I will return fully online on August 10th. During this time of travel, it may take me longer than usual to send on the ritual instructions to you. Thank you in advance for your understanding, Beloveds!

This July Distance Ritual is available to you until July 31st.

Our August ritual honoring Sekhmet will be released on August 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Jun 30

Aphrodite's Rite of Self-Acceptance

Leave Crete, Come here,
Come to the holy place
Come to the sacred grove.
Your altars are smoking with incense.
Cold water sings through the fruited trees,
Everything is shaded under the bower of roses
And from the shimmering radiance of leaves,
an enchanted sleep drops down.
Here is a meadow of spring flowers
where horses graze and a soft wind gently breaths.
Come Aphrodite, pour your nectar into our golden cups
In grace make the libation, bring your Melissae to life.

Beloved Alchemists,

The light continues to grow as we spiral forward towards the peak of this year’s solar cycle. Now is the time to illuminate all of those places within us that need attention, care, and nurturing.

In the name of the Goddess, I invite you to join me throughout the month of June for Aphrodite’s Rite of Self-Acceptance.

Here we shall consider where we are at in our lifelong voyage of self-love, connecting with the strong yet gentle Mother of Desires.

Let this inquiry support you in this holy work: Consider what holds you back from loving yourself unconditionally. What beliefs do you hold about yourself that prevent you from experiencing this kind of deep self-love? 

Come at sit at the Astral Altar of Beauty with me, Beloveds, in your own perfect timing as we together enter into a place where are all things are possible, where we can shift, heal, and own the fullness of our authentic and sacred selves with grace and power.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This June Distance Ritual is available to you until June 30th.

Our July ritual—Wadjet’s Rite of Truth—will be released on July 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to May 31

The Rite of Discerning Boundaries Honoring Goddess Ishtar

  • Google Calendar ICS

O gatekeeper, open the gate,
Open thy gate that I may enter!
If thou openest not the gate so that I can enter,
I will smash the door, I will shatter the bolt,
I will smash the doorpost, I will move the doors,
I will raise up the dead, eating the living,
So that the dead will outnumber the living.
~The Descent of Ishtar

Beloved Alchemists,

Beltane Season Blessings to you and yours! We have entered the time of fertility, passion, and rapid growth, the halfway point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.

From my heart, this is an invitation to join me within our Lunar Astral Temple for The Rite of Discerning Boundaries, in honor and gratitude to Ishtar, Lady of Victory, Bestower of Strength.

Here we shall review the health of our personal boundaries. Are they too loose? Too tight? What needs to be adjusted, knowing that boundaries are both our container and our protection, providing the very foundation from which all else springs within our lives?

In your own perfect timing and in a place of your choosing, let us meet at the astral altar of the Holy Priestess of the Heavens, as we together enter through the starry gates Between the Worlds, which exists in all times and all places within all dimensions.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $35-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This May Distance Ritual is available to you until May 31st.

Our June ritual—Aphrodite’s Rite of Self-Acceptance—will be released on June 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

Note: This is the sister-ritual of our May 18th Women’s Lunar Rites Zoom Temple gathering. Registration for this rite opens on May 4th. Our Astral Temple rituals are always open to all people.

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to Apr 30

The Holy Rite of the Lady of the Labyrinth

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Invisible Labyrinth is my palace, I stand at the door and the center
With knife and thread, with crown and veil
Come to me, children of Earth and Starry Heaven
I will teach you of the weave and the dance of winding ways
I will teach you that to die is to marry immortality
~Excerpted from “Ariadne Speaks” by Lon Sarver


Dear and Beloved Alchemists,

Here is the lovely month of April, when we fully emerge out into the increasing Light. The Moon reflects and amplifies the waxing powers that are running like sap through our lives.

From my heart, I invite you to join me within our Lunar Astral Temple for The Holy Rite of the Lady of the Labyrinth, an honoring of and communion with the Great Goddess Ariadne, Queen of the Bees and Daughter of Life itself.

I invite you to begin swirling with these energies through this inquiry: What healing, blessings, and/or support do I need from Ariadne right now in order to manifest all that I want in my life, to be all that I was born to be?

Please join me around the astral altar of the Lady of the Stars in your own home, or at a labyrinth local to you, as we enter the holy place which is present throughout all space and time and within all dimensions.

In our own perfect timing let us meet where sacramental honey and sacred serpents offer unfold a path before us into sweet transformation and growth.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple and our community’s Priestesses, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $33-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This April Distance Ritual is available to you until April 30th. Our Beltane Season May ritual honoring Ishtar will be released on May 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!


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to Mar 31

The Rite of Fruitful Abundance Honoring Goddess Pomona

  • Google Calendar ICS

By the grace and power of Pomona,
By branch, by flower, and by fruit,
Sacred Apple, harvest of vital growth,
Make my dream manifest!

Moon Mother Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

The Wheel continues its eternal movement, and the Season of Growth is just a skip and a jump away.

From my heart, I invite you to join me within our Lunar Astral Temple for The Rite of Fruitful Abundance, a celebration of the Goddess Pomona and Her powers of fertility, growth, and prosperity.

What hope, dream, goal, or theme will you claim for yourself and make manifest alongside the flowering of the trees?

Please join me around the astral altar of the Lady of the Orchards as we prune away that which no longer serves, contemplate the meeting of Water and Earth, and perform the spell, Apple of Manifestation.

Let’s meet where our dreams and visions flow into manifestation, at the confluence where the Holy Water nurtures and supports the Earth’s fertility. Join me on the Astral Plane—at your own altar and at a time that is best for *your* life—and work this holy magick with me and your magickal kin from around the world.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple, please make an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $33-$25.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This March Distance Ritual is available to you until March 31st. Our April ritual centering Goddess Ariadne will be released on April 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Feb 28

An Imbolc Season Rite of Dedication Honoring Brigid

  • Google Calendar ICS

Brigid, Lady of light
Who heats the forge and warms the home;
Return to us on this, your feast day.
Brigid, beloved of poets and crafters;
Who shoots the fiery arrow of inspiration,
We ask you to give us your blessings.
Goddess of the sacred fires and holy wells
Bringer of sunlight and bride of spring
Goddess of purity and passion
Return to thaw the frosts and bless the land
Clothed in the white of snowdrops
As the season turns and the world is renewed
Blessed be.
~Lucya Starza


Imbolc Season Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

We have crossed the threshold of growing Light and are headed towards Spring! As the Earth Maiden awakens, so do we.


From my heart, I invite you to join me within our Lunar Astral Temple as we honor ourselves for who we are in this, The Holy Moment of Now. We have arrived at the sacred Season of Imbolc, a holy time of purification and cleansing, of transformation and dedication.


What will you cleanse and clear in preparation for this new cycle of growth? What are your hopes, dreams, goals, and desires for this new turn of the Wheel?


Please join me around the astral altar of Lady Brigid as we make pledges to ourselves and to Goddess for the year ahead.


Step into sacred space with me, Beloveds—at your own altar and at a time that is best for *your* life—and work this holy magick with me and your magickal family from around the world.


To support the health and longevity of our Temple, an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $33-$25 is requested.


Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and be sure to include your email address.


Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This February Distance Ritual is available to you until February 28th.
Our March ritual centering Goddess Pomona will be released on March 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about me and our Sisterhood of the Moon Tradition of Witchcraft here. Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Jan 31

Dwelling Within the Liminal: A Ritual Honoring Nut

O Great One who became Sky,
You are Strong, you are Mighty.
Every place is filled with Your Beauty.
The whole world lies beneath you. You possess it!
As you enfold the whole Earth and all things in Your arms, enfold me too.
Make me an Indestructible Star in your Body.
~The Pyramid Texts, Utterance 432 (circa 2500 BCE)

New Calendar Year Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

During this liminal time between the High Holydays of Winter Solstice and Imbolc, let us dance with willingness—willingness to let go, to clear our Sweet Selves of all those things that are no longer supportive of the lives we want to live, of the people we profoundly desire to be.


From my heart, I invite you to join me within our Lunar Astral Temple in communing with the Great Cosmic Mother Nut and the Elements of Life to release old patterns, thoughts, addictions, and ways of being that are best left behind to compost.


Before stepping through the Imbolc Portal on February 1st, let us prepare ourselves and our lives for the expansion and manifestation that we are longing for so deeply. Let us make room for new possibilities, and for the vastness of our own potential. Let us trust in ourselves and in our connection with the Divine, creating new opportunities to gracefully move into full alignment with our life’s missions.


Step into sacred space with me, Beloveds, into a place where we pause, contemplate, cleanse, and clear so that the heart-centered intentions we set for 2023 have room to take root and to grow in health and beauty with our nurturing attentions and loving care.


At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—work this holy magick with me and your magickal family the world around.


To support the health and longevity of our Temple, an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $33-$25 is requested. Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This January Distance Ritual will be available to you until Imbolc Eve on January 31st.

Our February ritual centering Brigid will be released on February 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about Lady Jesamyn Angelica and Sisterhood of the Moon here.

Thank you so much for your continuing love and support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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3:30 PM15:30

Live & Online: Peace Within and Without: A Self-Anointing Rite for Pax

You are invited to receive a gift of peace! Please join Lady Jesamyn live online on Tuesday, December 20th at 3:30 p.m. PST for the Feminine Frequency Festival, a global gathering of women leaders. This free event is open to all!

During this often busy, hectic, stressful time of year, we can choose to cultivate our own peace-within. No matter what is happening in the greater world or within our own realms, peace is an option. We will be calling upon the support of the Great Lady of Peace, the Silver Shining One, ancient Goddess Pax.

If you would like to perform this Blessing live, bring your favorite essential oil blend, some olive oil, or some water...or simply show up without anything but your own Sweet Self. 

Here's the link to attend for freeClick it on Tuesday, December 20th at 3:30 p.m. PST or check it out later. 

Additionally, the replay will be available for you as a resource throughout the "holidaze" season, or whenever you need a lift. 

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Revere the Dark: A Candle-Blessing Rite Honoring Astarte
to Dec 31

Revere the Dark: A Candle-Blessing Rite Honoring Astarte

Ruler of the Stars
Daughter of the Moon,
She is the Mother of the Sun,
and Keeper of the Earth.
In the beginning, Astarte was the whole.


December Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

It is my prayer that you are finding ways to center self-care, stillness, and a willingness to embrace transformation as the fullness of Winter descends. 

During this month, I invite you to receive the blessings of the Holy Darkness. Held lovingly within the shelter of our Astral Temple, let us experience the healing power of the Dark, the place of dreaming, incubation, and rest. 

Without the Dark there is no Light. In the spirit of recognizing the equal sacredness of both of Light and Dark, we will weave a four-month spell, blessing candles with our intentions to carry us throughout the Dark Season of the Wheel, and beyond. 

Join your community in sacred circle—a space beyond space and a time beyond time—and combine your love and energy with that of your sacred kindred from around the world. At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—add your magickal intentions to ours in our Astral Temple.

This Distance Ritual reminds us that one single lit candle can bring with it so much light, so much comfort, so much illumination, and so much hope.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple, an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $33-$25 is requested.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This December Distance Ritual will be available to you until December 31st.

Our January ritual centering Nut will be released on January 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about Lady Jesamyn Angelica and Sisterhood of the Moon here.

Thank you so much for your support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Nov 29

The Rite of Prosperity & Gratitude: A Ritual Honoring Lakshmi

Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha
Om and Salutations to She Who Provides Great Abundance

November Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

Samhain has passed and we are moving ever-deeper into the Darkness. As the Holy Dark grows, so does our innate need to go Within, to take stock of our lives, and to begin Dreaming of What Could Be.

It is during this portal each year that our community turns our loving attention to magnifying the energies of Gratitude and Prosperity, to lighting a path between our desires and our reality through programming sacred waters with our intentions for the next Lunar Year.

Dear Ones, I invite you to join me in our Astral Temple throughout this month as we honor Goddess Lakshmi—She Who Makes Things Move—and through Her wisdom, name our heart’s hopes and claim our inherent prosperity.

Join our community in sacred circle—a space beyond space and a time beyond time—and combine your love and energy with that of your sacred kindred from around the world. At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—add your magickal intentions to ours in our Astral Temple.

This Distance Ritual was created to support you in connecting with the transformative energies of prosperity and gratitude, and to assist you in manifesting that which you most want.

To support the health and longevity of our Temple, an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $33-$25 is requested.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This November Distance Ritual will be available to you until November 30th.

Our December ritual centering Astarte will be released on December 1st. Please check back here then for details.

You can learn more about Lady Jesamyn Angelica and Sisterhood of the Moon here.

Thank you so much for your support, Dear Ones. It is one of my greatest delights to circle in the Ethers with you!

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to Oct 31

The Rite of the Ancestors: A Samhain Season Ritual Honoring Hekate

October Blessings, Beloved Alchemists,

Samhain approaches and we are nearing the end of the Harvest Season.  Now is the time to connect with our Beloved Dead, our Benevolent Ancestors of both blood and choice.

The veil Between the Worlds of the living and the dead is becoming thin and transparent, opening the doorway for our Ancestors to visit us, to offer us their cosmic wisdom and assistance for our earthly life.  Let us light the way for our Ancestors to join us; let us set out their favorite items, pour a chalice of their favorite libation, offer them their favorite foods. 

Dear Ones, I invite you to join me in our Astral Temple as we honor our Ancestors.  Under the guidance of Hekate—the Most-Lovely Lady of the Underworld—and united together in sacred space, we will examine our lives for stale and stagnant ancestral patterns that need releasing as well as enjoy a magickal feast with our Honored Dead.

Join our community in sacred circle—a space beyond space and a time beyond time—and combine your love and energy with that of your sacred kindred from around the world. At your own altar—and at a time that works for *your* life—add your magickal intentions to ours in our Astral Temple.

This Distance Ritual was created to support you in connecting with your Beloved Dead, and in assisting you to make space for more of what you want in your life.

To support our Temple, an income-based sliding scale Tribute/Contribution of $33-$25 is requested.

Please use the “register” button above. In the optional “Write a note” field, please let us know the specific Distance Ritual you are requesting and your email address.

Once your Tribute is received, I will connect with you via email and share a pdf ritual script for your solitary or family practice.

This October Distance Ritual will be available until October 31st.

Our November ritual centering Lakshmi will be released on November 1st. Please check back here then for details.

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